
Iraq business is springing to life, despite security and internal challenges. Basra, Erbil, Baghdad and Karbala are quickly showing great potential in the marketplace. Since past recent years Iraq has experienced a dramatic change from a centralized economy to a market economy. This introduction of competition, equal opportunity, and the development of the private sector has allowed Iraq’s businesses to flourish and grow, registering double digit GDP growth. The Republic of Iraq has a land area of 437,072 SQ km. Iraq is distinguished by the variety of its geographic landforms, including level sedimentary plains and mountains. The country is divided into a mountainous northern area, a desert area in the west, and a large fertile plain in the middle and south of the country that is watered by the two rivers, the Tigris and the Euphrates. Iraq has a population of 43.53 million (2021), most of whom live in towns and cities. Iraq is divided into 18 provinces and the capital city is Baghdad.


Population Iraq has about 46,103,767 M citizens, with a yearly population growth rate of 2.6%. The population is young, with more than half less than 20 years old. Over two- thirds of the population lives in urban areas.